Samjhana Himalayan Children’s Charities Earthquake Victim

5-year-old Samjhana is in grade 1 and lives in a remote village in the high mountains. She lost her father during the earthquake, who had recently moved his family back to his village from the Terai flatlands. Samjhana, which means “a remembrance” has a mother and two older brothers who are both studying at an organization in a neighboring district, where they were sent after the earthquake when the family was experiencing extreme hardships. “Life has been very difficult for me and my children after the earthquakes and the death of my husband and we have been subject to humiliation and abuse, as I am from a different community. Nonetheless, I have managed to build a small house all by myself, and I have a small piece of land where I cultivate rice, potatoes, and corn. I want to keep my children with me,” Samjhana, like her mom, is determined and willful. She has a big imagination and likes to play pretend, and she is currently learning to ride a bike.

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