Rina and Kabita Featured in The Himalayan Times

HCC Nepal Himalayan Times
HCC Nepal Himalayan Times

Reliance School Girls Basketball Team, Spring 2017

HCC students Kabita and Rina were mentioned in The Himalayan Times, Nepal’s top English daily newspaper, for their achievements as members of the Reliance School Girls Basketball team. In a nail biter final at the 24th Annual Gyan Carnival, Rina’s 11 points significantly helped push the Reliance School’s win over Innovative, 32-30. For her contributions to the success of the team as a whole, Kabita was named Most Valuable Player. Check out the article in The Himalayan Times here. Congratulations to all of the players on a great game, and congratulations to Rina and Kabita on their recognition for a job well done! We are so proud!

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