Kamala Shares her Thoughts on Life Skills

Every month we ask the students to talk to us about a different theme. This month is “life skills”. Kamala weighs in on what skills she has learned and how they will benefit her in the future.

The term “life skills” refers to the skills you need to make the most out of life. It is usually used to talk about any of the skills needed to deal well and effectively with life’s challenges. Life skills are all about the challenges.

Life skills are not about theoreticals, but instead about being practical and applying skills in our daily lives. We all need a set of core life skills to manage work, family and relationships successfully. These skills include planning, focus, self-control, awareness and flexibility. All the life skills that exists are equally important as they directly and indirectly impacted our lives.

One life skill that I have learned and am excited about is making food. I am very good at cooking food and I enjoy it at the same time. I cook one meal per alternate day for the eight students who I live with at the girls annex house. Whenever I am free, I also come to Khushi Ghar to help our younger brothers and sisters with cooking.

Decision making is another life skill that I like the most because I am in a transition phase now in my life, and this skill helps me to deal constructively with making choices about my life. Nowadays, I can make decisions on my own, for my own future, and in order to reach my goals.

The life skills that I am best at are interpersonal because I am able to make and keep friendly relationships, which are of great importance to our mental and social well being. I can easily be friendly and get connected to people whom I just meet. I also have many old friendships and connections that I nurture and mean a lot to me.

The life skills that I am currently working on are in developing effective communication. I have a little difficulty in expressing my thoughts and ideas both verbally and non-verbally. Before I was a shy person but being active, attending different trainings, and working on various skills like public speaking has helped me a lot.



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