Sita’s Surgery Recovery Update

HCC Nepal Sita

HCC Nepal Sita Earlier this year, while one of our co-founders Bruce Keenan was checking up on our programming in Nepal, he was visiting our programs with Sylvia, a friend of HCC and a doctor from Italy. She noticed that our student Sita had once had a broken arm that had been improperly set. She noted that the best way to heal the arm properly and prevent further damage would be to have her undergo a simple surgery.

Over the holidays, Sita received the surgery to help set her arm properly. On December 28th, Sita, accompanied by HCC staff members Hira and Mun Maya, was admitted to the hospital and underwent some routine exams and tests, including blood and urine tests along with x-rays. Hira and Mun Maya were with her late into the night, and Sita’s mother was able to stay with her overnight in the hospital. The following day, Sita had her surgery which lasted 4 hours. Mun Maya, Sita’s mother, Dinesh, and one of our students Ambika were at the hospital supporting Sita and waiting for her to be done with surgery. By 8 PM, she was released to the general recovery ward. From December 30th through January 5th, Sita was recovering in the hospital, with various HCC staff members and some of her family taking shifts to be with her while she recovered.

On January 6th, Sita was officially discharged from the hospital and is recovering at Kushi Ghar. She will still need to make regular hospital visits to ensure proper recovery, but it is wonderful to have her back at Kushi Ghar. She has to take a great deal of medicine as well to aid in her recovery, but some of our older students are being very helpful and are very enthusiastic in aiding her recovery. Her recovery will take some time, but Sita has the full support of our whole HCC family to help in her recovery.

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Himalayan Children’s Charities creates paths out of poverty for vulnerable children and at-risk youth in Nepal. Through investment in quality education, innovative mentorship and a loving family environment, we help build lives of leadership.

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