Renowned Nepali Artist Visits Khushi Ghar

HCC Nepal Khushi Ghar

HCC Nepal Khushi GharAs the former Chancellor of the Academic Council at the Nepal Academy of Fine Arts, Kiran Manandhar has worked tirelessly for years to ensure that Nepali art, artists and traditions receive support and the opportunity to grow. After obtaining his MFA in painting from India’s Bernaras Hindu University’s Faculty of Visual Arts, he has been lauded for his exceptional work both at home and abroad, including awards from the Association Des Artes Plastiques (France, 2000). His dedication to cultivating and growing Nepali art has recently led him to HCC’s very own Khushi Ghar to teach HCC students about art, self-expression and valuable life lessons applicable to all academic pursuits.

Khushi Ghar DrawingWhile visiting Khushi Ghar, Mr. Manandhar taught a three-hour seminar to students, beginning with the use of oil pastels and how to utilize color in pastel drawings. After providing a demonstration, he asked the students to do some free drawing on their own while he provided gentle instruction and constructive critiques to each student’s work. In addition to teaching the basic mechanics of free drawing, Mr. Manandhar had the opportunity to speak at length with students about his life and the lessons he has gleaned over the years and the experience and responsibility of being Nepal’s most popular artist. In turn, the students, as a thank you, performed their own musical art, allowing them to express their own personality and growth in music performance.

Our students felt immense gratitude for Mr. Manandhar’s time and generosity. Mr. Manandhar greatly enjoyed his time with the students and has promised a return visit in the future. In the meantime, he plans to use his sketches of the students for fundraising efforts on behalf of HCC.

HCC Khushi Ghar Kids Draw with Crayons

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