Benighat Food Distribution Saves Lives

HCC Provides COVID-19 Relief Packages to the Needy in

Benighat, Dhading, Nepal

In Nepal, the second wave of COVID-19 has affected people of all ages severely. With a higher rate of infections and death among parents and caregivers, many children have been left orphaned.

Considering this growing concern, HCC has been working closely with the local authorities in Benighat, Rorang in Dhading district to plan for relief packages.

Benighat is a rural municipality that spans 29.17 square kilometers (11.26 sq miles), and most residents are employed in the farming and fishing industries, which have been hit hard by the pandemic.

On the 27th of June 2021, HCC’s dedicated staff members Mun Maya, Dinesh Raj and Dp Aryal, with support from the local government in Dhading, provided immediate relief packages that included a sacks of rice, salt, sugar, beans, lentils, cooking oil, soybeans, etc.

HCC is working diligently to supplement efforts made by the local government, to prepare caregivers in case of another outbreak.

Our local partner FUNKids Nepal aided in distribution of  packages to the families in the presence of the local government. HCC is committed to continuing support, based on the local government standard guidelines.

We would like to thank all our donors,  supporters and partners for their donations and effort to support HCC in bringing aid to the people of Benighat.  Your donations really make a difference for the families in our community.

Report filed by Mun Maya Rawal



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