Sonu Goes to College!

Sonu has been supported by HCC since she was a young child. As she has grown up she has proven to be a smart, ambitious, charismatic young woman. At 20, she is preparing for the next chapter of her education: A Bachelor’s degree in Medical Imaging. We are so proud of her!

Early in the morning, on 8th feb we went to college and before the admission we had get our health checked up. The admission process took almost a day. We looked around the college area then after that we went for room hunting. We searched rooms near the college area. Luckily, I had my old school friend studying in the same college helped me search for a room suitable for me. It took time but we sorted the room out. The room is walking distance from the college which will become easier for me.


After finally completing all the work I had a fun time with aunty and Sarswati sister. We went for a boating at Fewa Lake. we went for site seeing near the lake. We had fun and enjoyed it very much.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I assure you that I will do my best.

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