Sonu’s Gratitude

Sonu is currently studying Radiology at the top of her class, loves to cook for her Khushi Ghar family and has been enthusiastically involved in the menstrual hygiene campaign spearheaded by HCC-Nepal, the HCC graduate lead NGO.                        

For me, Gratitude is appreciating and being thankful and returning the kindness. Gratitude can transform life by strengthening and enhancing faith and relationships. Gratitude can also help me block negative emotions and bring positive vibes.

Before, I used to be ungrateful for what I had and I never actually realized the importance of gratitude. Finally, my life had a gradual change.

I was supported by HCC at a very young age. At that time, I understood what life meant to me. I had so much to learn from my brothers and sisters at HCC. HCC changed my life because it has turned me into a strong and capable person.  I have learnt many life skills and has got a chance to explore the various skilled development programs like menstrual hygiene, cleaning campaign and rallies and many more. It has already been 4 months that I have been volunteering at the Nepal Association of Blind (NAB). I go there and dictate them with their courses. Getting involved in this type of voluntarily work makes me feel proud of myself that I am able to give back to those in need. Quite literally, what I realized over time was that gratitude transformed my life by bringing out the positivity. Being thankful and appreciating what you have rather than what you don’t have makes you happier about life. The things that I have been very grateful are as follows:


HCC has always been the light to my darkness 

HCC family being there for me during hardships

I feel blessed and thankful to have a good life

I am thankful for being a member of this project


I am grateful for being able to share my happiness and sorrows with HCC family. Gratitude is the pathway to both success and happiness. My words  just cannot describe how grateful I am towards everyone. Thank you for everything!!




Lots of love,



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