Students Take Workshops on Social Issues and Financial Planning

HCC Nepal Student Workshop

HCC Nepal Student WorkshopIn collaboration with The Umbrella Foundation and additional funding from StartUp4Kids Nepal, HCC Signature Students have been participating in Aflateen workshops, created by the nonprofit Aflatoun. An international organization, Aflateen provides social and financial education to help empower millions of children and young adults worldwide. We’ve partnered with The Umbrella Foundation, an NGO in Kathmandu founded by Irish social activists catering to at-risk Nepali children, to participate in youth Aflateen workshops.

Scheduled to continue throughout the spring, HCC students have taken two Aflateen workshops with students from The Umbrella Foundation so far. HCC hosted The Umbrella Foundation at our youth home Khushi Ghar for the workshop on peer pressure. An important topic to address, especially for teenagers, our students shared stories about their own experiences facing peer pressure. Together, students discussed strategies to address peer pressure in their own communities and activities.

HCC Nepal Student Workshop DrawingNext up, students will have the opportunity to attend financial planning workshops from Aflateen to help empower them with information about successful financial planning as they approach graduating from school and getting their first jobs.

Our thanks to Aflatoun, StartUp4Kids and The Umbrella Foundation for these great opportunities for students to empower themselves with new information and life skills.

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