Student Spotlight: Bina


Mentorship is a fundamental part of what we do. Guiding the students to find their path, to be their best and encouraging them to do the same for their communities. Bina truly exemplifies these qualities. In grade 12, she is a good student, a poet and a voracious reader, and this last year she took her love of basketball and began coaching underserved women of her community- women in wheelchairs.″>




Every Saturday I wait for them

They wheel their chairs onto the court

some carry air pumps

some bring balls and little colored cones

When they see me, they say, “Namaste, Guruma!”

Guruma means teacher.

But many of them are adults,

have daughters older than me.

So I say, call me something different.

Okay, they say, and call out

“Namaste, sister.”

I am capable to teach others

And, I learn too

To coach this group is

like the poem I learned in eleventh grade:

The child is the Father of Man

I belong again

in another family

this group of athletes

wheeling their chairs towards their dreams.

Spinal problem



They dribble the ball

pass the ball

and shoot to score.

You should hear them shouting

“Yeta! Yeta! Ma khali chu!”

Pass me the ball, I’m free!

Free from being held back

Free from others’ rules

Free from the walking world.

They shoot the leather

high in the air

adding points to their team



I train with them sitting in a wheelchair too

so they would see

how I’m trying to understand.

I never look down on them

I teach them

game strategy

passing techniques

dribbling tricks

I gain their respect.

Now, they think of me as family.







We are so proud of all Bina has accomplished and the bright future ahead of her!!

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