Student Organizer Raises Funds and Spreads the Word for HCC

HCC Student Organizer with Boy

HCC Student OrganizersWhen student Phoebe Ramaty first heard about Himalayan Children’s Charities through the Maya Gold Foundation, she was looking to get involved with an organization that helped people, especially orphaned children. HCC turned about to be just the match, and Phoebe ended up raising over $600 for HCC by selling clothing, toys, and candies at the Winter Faire held at her school, Mountain Laurel Waldorf School in New Paltz, New York. We interviewed Phoebe about what interested her about HCC and her advice for rolling up your sleeves and making a difference.

How did you first hear about Himalayan Children’s Charities?

I heard about HCC through the Maya Gold Foundation, which is based in New Paltz, N.Y. I was looking to do something that helped people and was really interested in working with an orphanage. Luckily my Mother knew a board member at the Foundation who she arranged for me to meet – Noelle Adamo.  Noelle suggested that I got involved with HCC and she gave me the contact information for the charity.

The Maya Gold Foundation seeks to collaborate with carefully selected NGOs in Nepal.  They work to provide essentials to children in need and opportunities for cultural exchange between youth in Nepal and New Paltz.

HCC Student Organizer ProjectWhy did you want to use the Winter Faire at your school as an opportunity to fund raise for HCC?

A lot of people attend our school Winter Faire so I thought it would be a good way to raise awareness about the children in Nepal. I made a 3D poster where I showcased several stories of the HCC children and also information about the charity and its founders and staff. I also thought having a tombola raffle would be a fun way to fundraise as a lot of the “customers” are children!

What did you sell at the Winter Faire to fundraise?

I sold clothes, books, toys, chocolate, candy – you name it!    The clothes were sold separately on a rack next to my table and were not part of the tombola raffle. My brother and I donated our old books and toys. I bought some chocolate and candy to make sure children wanted to come to my stand. My parents had lots of clothes samples as they work in Fashion/textiles so that was where I got the clothes from.

HCC Student Organizer PresentationWhat kind of information about HCC were you able to convey to your fellow students?

Some people asked me what HCC was so I was able to tell them.  As well as that, I had my 3D poster on the table with lots of information about the individual children and their life stories. I talked to several parents as well as children. I also had fliers that I was able to hand out to anyone that showed interest. I hope I spread the word of what life is like for children in Nepal compared to us here in the USA. 

Why did you want to support HCC specifically? What about the work of HCC is meaningful to you?

I want to support HCC because of the work they do to save children from disadvantaged backgrounds and empower them through education and mentoring. Also, I like how HCC is willing to partner with other charities like The Maya Gold Foundation.

HCC Student Organizer with BoyWhat advice would you give to other students who want to support organizations that work for causes they believe in? How would you suggest becoming a student organizer?

My advice would be – don’t be afraid to contact the organization you are interested in. I am sure they would welcome your interest and help.To become a student organizer, find out what the charity needs and think of ways you can help. It may not only be raising money but also raising awareness of their work. Let people know they exist and share the stories of the work they do. Think of ways you can spread the word. Try to coordinate a fundraiser or go around to your local stores and see if you can get them interested in donating supplies. Get a group of your friends together and brainstorm for ideas – they may also like to help when they know what you are doing.

Interested in hosting an HCC event at your school? Reach out to us on our contact page for more ideas.

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Himalayan Children’s Charities creates paths out of poverty for vulnerable children and at-risk youth in Nepal. Through investment in quality education, innovative mentorship and a loving family environment, we help build lives of leadership.

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