Shanta Himalayan Children’s Charities Earthquake Victim

13-year-old Shanta now is in grade 5. He lost his mother during the earthquake and now stays with his father, three brothers (Laxman and Ram) and a younger sister. They live in a very remote, mountainous area that is a half-day walk from the nearest dirt road. Shanta’s father, Dal Bahadur, is just now learning the Nepali language (he speaks a local language) and grew up as a subsistence farmer in the high hills of Northern Dhading. Before the earthquake, he was working abroad as a laborer in the Gulf in order to make some money to support his wife and 5 children. As soon as he got the news of the earthquakes and his wife’s death, he came back for his children. “Now I spend all of my time cooking for my children, cleaning, and washing their clothes. I do not want to leave my children. I want to be there for my children and give them a good life and education. I am sure that my children will do something great and I will be a proud father.”

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