Puja Himalayan Children’s Charities Earthquake Victim

Puja is 9 years old and studying in grade 3. She lives with her mother, two siblings, and her elderly grandfather in a temporary shelter in their remote village in the high hills. She lost her father during the earthquake when their house collapsed. Puja is from an indigenous community. She enjoys and works hard in school, and she is currently getting extra help in math, as it is her weak subject.  She also helps her family by bringing water from the tap each day, which is about 30 minutes from her home. She also must walk 2 hours each day to get to school and back. The main income source of her family is from farming, and her mother works in the field as a subsistence farmer for their day-to-day food, and during the harvest season earns a small amount of money as a field laborer. Puja’s mother, Madhu, says “You are all helping my children with their education and I am working hard to fulfill their other basic requirements. I’m very grateful for this support that is allowing me to continue to care for my children, even as a single woman in the village in Nepal. I want to thank the sponsors of my children and all of the people who are directly and indirectly involved in this program. Thank you for giving us a helping hand and making my children’s life different and meaningful.”

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