Guest Column: Mun Maya’s transition from HCC Student to HCC Staff Member

HCC Nepal Mumaya

HCC Nepal MumayaHello! My name is Mun Maya Rawal and I am a graduated HCC student, and currently pursuing my master’s degree in Business Studies. I currently work with HCC as an Administration Assistant. What I like most about my job is that it gives me the opportunity to learn and be creative, maintain good communication with my coworkers and the HCC students and donors. I also get to travel to rural areas in Nepal, interact with people, produce content for our marketing and social media and maintain public relations.

HCC Nepal Mumaya in Front of mountains with FriendsPart of my job is assisting with the Dhading Children’s Initiative. Since the 2015 earthquakes, I have traveled to many wards of the Dhading district. Dhading is one of the most earthquake-affected districts in Nepal. Many people died, while others became homeless, widowed and orphaned. HCC in collaboration with FUN Kids Nepal is working for the welfare of the children who became orphaned during the natural disaster. I am glad that I get an opportunity to work with HCC and DCI children. I enjoy working with these children because it makes me feel like I am doing something worthwhile with my life.

Being myself is the biggest challenge. My best self or true self is the one that is honest and always willing to learn. I feel proud to be myself and never tried to hide who I am and where I am from. I am the girl who stands for what I believe in and likes to be responsible for myself. Yes, I believe we only find happiness when we are able to be our best selves and that involves bringing out the best in others as well.

HCC Nepal Mumaya with FriendsI believe that everyone is affected by different situations which will forever be significant in their life. My life has changed for the better since I moved to HCC. HCC is the social, non-profit organization where I grew up and learned all the life skills lessons. It’s been 12 years, yet feels like yesterday that I joined the HCC family. I am so thankful and blessed to have them in my life. In fact, I am lucky to have so many great things about life-good health, amazing family, a safe place to stay and the best education. Now, I can proudly say that I am a big sister, mentor, and leader for my younger HCC brothers and sisters in so many ways. I look forward to spending time with my HCC family every day. Spending quality time with them is just one of the ways I show them how much I love them.

When me, Laxmi, and our brother Narendra from Dhading first reached remote villages in Dhading in August 2015 (by foot!), the situation there was heartbreaking. Many people were still in trauma and I could see sorrow and sadness in the eyes of each child. Tears rolled down my face while interviewing them because their stories were very touching and painful. It was not easy for me and my team to interview them and collect their stories. Still, we were successful in getting detailed information about the children and their situations.

HCC Nepal Mumaya Pointing with GirlThe situation of Dhading kids and that of mine was similar. I also had lost my parents at their age. My story could be an inspiration to them. Beside this, I focus on giving back to society and through  Dhading Children Initiative, I would be fulfilling it. Above all, I enjoy working with children and this is the perfect platform for me. I believe that my story and achievement will motivate them to work hard in life and do something for themselves and society.

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