Khushi Ghar Helps Students Boost Speaking Skills

HCC Nepal Summer Activities Public Speaking Skills

HCC Nepal Summer Activities Public Speaking SkillsPublic Speaking is a subject too often forgotten, but, despite the rapid pace of technology, still remains a vital skill set for many potential job applicants, particularly those interested in rising to management, corporate, and leadership positions. Public speaking, debate, and people skills are not always as intuitive as they appear and often require practice to become second nature. At Khushi Ghar, HCC summer activities not only assist students in developing critical public speaking skills but also provide fun and camaraderie between students.

HCC Nepal Summer Activities Round TableAfter beginning with a series of fun icebreakers and games, students were given a more structured storytelling exercise. In pairs, students were given a story prompt and had to stand in front of the group and improvise speaking for a minute an a half. One student would begin the story for 45 seconds while the next student would finish the story in 45 seconds. Although it was a tricky exercise at first, students enjoyed themselves and by the completion of the exercise, felt much more relaxed speaking in front of a group. Students attempted again, this time given an unlimited amount of time to complete the story, only being able to hand off the storytelling to their partner when prompted. The second time, speaking off the cuff came more naturally to students, allowing them to get used to speaking publicly without prompts.

HCC Nepal Summer ActivitiesStudents also had the opportunity to practice formal speech and debate by debating the question: should children under the age of 10 have access to social media? The students were split into two groups and by virtue of a coin toss, one group debated the pro side with the other the con side. Each side was given 5 minutes to prepare 3 main arguments before coming together to present their arguments and given time to give rebuttal arguments to the opposing arguments. Through the exercise, students addressed issues of cyberbullying, educational resources, and distractions offered by social media.

These games allowed students to have fun with their peers while also practicing essential public speaking skills, social skills, logic and confidence in themselves. Learning can take place in a variety of spaces outside of the classroom, and Khushi Ghar is another space for learning in the company of friends.

Arun helps rural student

Field Trip Experience by Arun, HCC university student

From December 9th to 11th, I volunteered on a trip to Dhading and Nuwakot with Dinesh Uncle, Laxmi Didi, Nishan Dai, and D.P. Uncle. Our goal was to distribute winter supplies like clothes, books, and calculators to students in these areas. The trip was a rewarding and humbling experience as we connected with the children and saw the impact of HCC’s work.

We left early on December 9th, starting at 6:30 a.m. Our first stop was to meet eight students. We spent time chatting with them about their families, studies, and future goals, and distributed chocolates to them. Then, we went to Dhading Besi and visited another school, where we spent three hours meeting students, handing out supplies, and learning about their lives. A 13-year-old girl, Gita, stood out to me with her maturity and confidence.

Next, we traveled to Darkha, where we enjoyed the beautiful scenery despite the rough roads. We stayed overnight at a local hotel and the next morning met with the community, including the mayor and teachers. We gave supplies to 15 students and had meaningful conversations with locals.

In the afternoon, we visited Bindu Keshar School in Nuwakot, where we played volleyball with eight students and shared snacks. Finally, we reached Uttar Gaya, where we updated records for six students and saw their dedication to learning. We ended the trip by staying at a hotel in Nuwakot before heading back to Kathmandu the next day.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our team, sponsors, and well-wishers for their invaluable support in ensuring the education and well-being of  students in the RISE program. The field visit was a success, providing much-needed support and monitoring to students in the RISE program. Through collective efforts, we continue to create meaningful impacts on the lives of children and their families in Nepal.


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