HCC Welcomes Higher Education Scholarship Winner

HCCNepal - Saraswati Scholarship Winner
HCC Saraswati Welcome

Scholarship Winner Saraswati

HCC welcomes our newest HCC student Saraswati as the winner of the HCC Scholarship for Higher Education. In July of 2017, HCC announced a scholarship to support higher education for one orphaned Nepali girl. Applicants were required to complete class 10 and their SEE (exit exams) in 2017 in order to be eligible to apply.

17-year-old Saraswati described her desire for higher education by stating:

“Two years back in the earthquake I lost my house and so many people I knew. At that time of need, many people came to support us. One day I would also like to be like them and support others. I carry the dream to be a social worker. I hope you will help me fulfill my dream.”

Welcome to the HCC Family Saraswati! We are so excited to help you fulfill your dream.

HCC Saraswati Moves Into Khushi

Saraswati moves in to Khushi Ghar, her new home as she pursues a University degree.

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Himalayan Children’s Charities creates paths out of poverty for vulnerable children and at-risk youth in Nepal. Through investment in quality education, innovative mentorship and a loving family environment, we help build lives of leadership.

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