HCC 2018: Year of Leadership

Jasmati Year of Leadership
Jasmati Year of Leadership

Signature student Jasmati speaks in Peer Pressure workshop

We are thrilled to announce “Leadership” as our central theme for 2018. All year, we will be highlighting the extraordinary leaders and examples of leadership in our global HCC community. Committed HCC supporters like you have activated the multitude of accomplishments of HCC students and graduates in 2017, ushering in a new era of leadership for HCC. With the help of HCC staff, senior students and graduates registered their own in-country NGO, allowing them the opportunity for future key leadership roles in the development, design, and implementation of HCC programming. Our students have taken on leadership roles in the community, utilizing their university training to assist in local schools and service projects; one student even interned with medical researchers from the University of British Columbia in sickle cell research. Embodying our cornerstone philosophy of “Leaders Training Leaders,” our students have taken on leadership roles in their communities with the intention of giving back.

HCC Nepal Chidren Biking

Student reading anti-trafficking comic

We began 2018 by continuing our Anti-Trafficking Campaign in rural schools at the start of International Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The campaign helps students and community members take charge by obtaining a greater awareness of the prevalence of human trafficking in Nepal and recognizing and avoiding potential trafficking situations. We continue to train future leaders in rural communities through our EOSP and DCI programs by preparing students for higher education. Finally, senior students in the Signature Program had the opportunity to speak about peer pressure in an Alfateen workshop in partnership with The Umbrella Foundation and StartUp4Kids NL, hosted at our Kathmandu youth home, Khushi Ghar. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the Umbrella Foundation for more workshops in 2018 and the opportunity for student leadership that comes with them.

HCC Nepal Girls in Market

Best friends in Dhading

With all this in just a month of January alone, we anticipate even more student leadership in 2018. We are filled with immense gratitude for the leadership exhibited by our supporters and sponsors in the US and abroad who make all of this possible. Supporters have generously given their time, connections, and expertise to continue to bolster HCC’s network, finances, and exposure. From large projects like  hosting and volunteering on fundraisers across the US, to spreading the word on a smaller, more local scale via social media, HCC supporters  continue to provide a stunning example of how to give back as a global community.

Would you like to participate in our year of leadership? Visit our “How to Help” section above to get started! Thank you for your active support of HCC.

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Himalayan Children’s Charities creates paths out of poverty for vulnerable children and at-risk youth in Nepal. Through investment in quality education, innovative mentorship and a loving family environment, we help build lives of leadership.

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