Harsha Selected to Play for Nepal in Street Child World Cup in Russia 2018

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In May of 2018, Street Child United, in association with Save the Children, will host the Street Child World Cup to use soccer as a tool to connect over 200 street children from around the globe to change the negative perceptions and treatment of street children everywhere. Held right before the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the Street Child World Cup allows at-risk youth to not only excel in athletics on a global stage but also connect with their peers across the planet. The Street Child World Cup is an opportunity to make new friends from around the world and be ambassadors on a global platform to help fight the stigma against at-risk youth and street children. Each participating country selects their own team of talented at-risk youth to represent their country in the games. It is always hugely competitive and a massive honor to play for one’s home country.

HCC student Harsha has been selected to play for Nepal’s Under 16 Team, representing Nepal in Russia in May of 2018. “It is a dream come true to be selected into the Under 16, and I can’t wait to play in Russia,” said Harsha of his achievement. His practice schedule will be manageable so he can continue his education. While abroad, his HCC peers Bina and Pushpa have promised to make notes of what he misses so that he will be able to make up his school work upon his return from abroad.

Congratulations to Harsha and his fellow teammates! We are so excited to keep up with your progress this spring and cheer you on in May.

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Himalayan Children’s Charities creates paths out of poverty for vulnerable children and at-risk youth in Nepal. Through investment in quality education, innovative mentorship and a loving family environment, we help build lives of leadership.

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