First Peak Students Graduate University

In Nepal there are little to no funding options for impoverished students. Bank loans are only available against fixed assets or collateral, private sector scholarships are nearly non-existent, and most charities stop support when a student turns 16 or 18.

The Peak Program was established in 2016 to help fill this gap. The Peak Program provides college (grades 11&12) and university scholarships to highly disadvantaged students with good academic standing and who are motivated to give back to society.

Siwani and Saraswati were some of the first students to join this program, and we are excited to announce that they both have just graduated from university!

Siwani completed her Bachelor’s in Medical Technology and is now working as a technician in a pathology lab. Saraswati received a Bachelor’s in Media and Journalism and is now working at a television news station. Saraswati recently told us, “My ultimate aim is to become an independent woman, capable of making a positive impact on society. Currently, I am working in a job in television, where I strive to provide truthful and unbiased news to the public. Through this platform, I want to back to my society by promoting transparency and accountability.”

Thank you to all of our donors who have given these two young women the opportunity to be successful and live their dreams. If you want to help support the bright futures of students like Saraswati and Siwani, please donate today!

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