American Former Firefighter Teaches Students First Aid

HCC Nepal Firefighter

HCC Nepal FirefighterAmir Mashhour, an American former firefighter, visited our youth home Khushi Ghar in Kathmandu and imparted his expertise on helpful, and potentially life-saving, first aid procedures. With so many of our students interested in pursuing a career in medicine, many were eager to learn more. However, all of our students, regardless of career aspirations, found Amir’s training informative.

Students were taught the basics of CPR, as well as various ways to recognize the early warning signs of a heart attack. Additionally, they were taught how to help stop serious bleeding and bandage and tend wounds. They learned important procedural steps to help someone experiencing a serious medical emergency.

Thank you, Amir, for visiting HCC! We are so grateful for the opportunity for students to empower themselves with knowledge regarding important life-saving procedures.

HCC Nepal Firefighter Class

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