Ambika and Ganga, Getting Ready for Spring

Every month we get updates straight from the students at Khushi Ghar! This month we hear from Ambika and her younger sister Ganga.

This month of February was exciting and fun. I am doing great in my studies and also improving a lot in my arts.  I am having my physical classes as usual. I am also taking help from my sister in my work and studies. I do painting in my free  time.  My results of board examination of grade 11  was published and I got 3.2

 This month we had Sivaratri. First thing we did was take bath. And after that we went to nearby temple  We clicked many pictures. We sat for Barta and ate many delicious food which our aunt had made.  It was so tasty that ’til now I have not forgotten the taste. At evening we did bonfire and  celebrate it. The principal of deer walk also came and we had a little talk about IT. 

 I would like to say thank you sponsor for your kind help and support . THANK YOU !!!! 



I am Ambika, currently studying veterinary science in the first semester. This month of February was very good as well as  scary because I had my board exams. I have seven subjects which I had to appear for exams. Except for the two subjects it went well. Now I am having my practical exams and it’s going fine. Also this month we had a birthday celebration of Siwani and celebrated it very nicely.

Soon I will be in the second semester after my practical exams. Before this month I was busy helping my brother Drishtanta in the hospital and preparing for my board exams.  I had one of the best experiences and good memories with Drishtanta. So the months of February and January were unforgettable for me.

All the best memories in my lifetime are because of your support ,love and care. So thank you for everything that you have done for me. Also I would like to express my gratitude towards your genuine love.

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