Empowering youth to elevate their world.

Latest News & Updates

With Love, From Nepal  Learn More>

Update from Rina  Learn More>

Supplies for Benighat students  Learn More>

One Child at a Time  Learn More>

March at Khushi Ghar  Learn More>

Himalayan Children’s Charities creates paths out of poverty for vulnerable children and at-risk youth in Nepal. Through investment in quality education, innovative mentorship and a loving family environment, we help build lives of leadership.

Founded by Susan Keenan and Bruce Keenan in 2000, HCC has  directly supported 238 students and impacted the lives of thousands more. Donate today to help abandoned, orphaned, and impoverished students get an education and a safe place to live.

Change A Life

  • $10 a month gives a child access to medical care
  • $25 a month sends a rural child to school
  • $100 a month gives an orphan an education and a safe place to live
  • $225 a month gives a university education to an impoverished student

Our Story

Creating a successful future for children in Nepal.

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Our Programs

Education, Mentorship,
and care.

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Get Involved

Help change the life of a
child today.

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Latest News and Updates


Update from Ram in France  Learn More >

Christmas at Khushi Ghar  Learn More >

Visiting our students in rural Nepal  Learn More >

November 2021 in Nepal  Learn More >

HCC student artist, Ganga Learn More >

Khushi Ghar update from Tulsi Learn More >

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Meet Our Students

Why Donate To HCC

1. Mentorship of at-risk children creates positive futures.

Destitute children have little chance of survival in their society. Doesn’t every child deserve a chance?

2. Education breaks the poverty cycle.

Through quality education and leadership training, HCC students are becoming the young, vibrant leaders that Nepal needs to break the cycle of poverty.

3. Emotional well-being is vital for success.

HCC’s group home, “Khushi Ghar” (Happy Home) creates a family environment and nurturing house parents guide them in life skills, and the mentorship training.

4. Orphaned children are vulnerable to trafficking, child labor, and early marriage.

HCC scholarships for rural orphans allow them to stay in local communities and attend school.

5. HCC has a proven track record of accountability and responsibility

Since 2000, HCC has been solving problems and adding value with transparent processes, accessible personnel, and committed partners.

Change A Life


Incredible Numbers

University students

30+ students are currently studying in university, and 18 students have graduated with university degrees.

Students Supported

HCC has supported nearly 240 children with quality education, nurturing care, and cutting-edge mentorship since 2000.

Students Impacted

Over 10,000 children have benefited from HCC’s outreach programs.